25 de octubre de 2011


She loved nature so much she became part of it.

That's all for today.. I'll upload the photos I took in Dosde Market tomorrow!

Skater fox part IV.

(He's not doing it because.. he's an illustration.. but.. WEAR YOUR HELMET in real life, please!)

Turquoise and pink vibe.

Skater fox part III.

(She's not doing it because.. she's an illustration.. but.. WEAR YOUR HELMET in real life, please!)


He's a nice guy.

Piano love.

Playing the piano makes me happy.

Skater fox part II.

Two boys from London bought this - it actually made me very happy.

(He's not doing it because.. he's an illustration.. but.. WEAR YOUR HELMET in real life, please!)

Simon, lovely Simon.

I have to admit I have fallen in love with Simon <3

That's it.

Skater foxes part I.

Foxes are my favourite thing to draw lately!

(They're not doing it because.. they're illustrations.. but.. WEAR YOUR HELMET in real life, please!)

Turquoise vibe.

24 de octubre de 2011

Owls and some other animals.

This last one is inspired by Twin Peaks.

Cut and stick.

Jugando con recortables.

Books, houses, doors.

Sometimes you have to let go of things, opening doors inside of you might be much better than closing them.

Bycicle, bycicle, you are my bycicle!


Ironically.. I don't know how to ride a bike. But I do like drawing them.


Hello everyone! My name is Andrea and I've been doing illustrations as a hobby for a while now. I recently had a chance to participate in Dosde Market selling some of my illustrations and it was an awesome experience.. so good I finally decided to open a personal blog to upload my drawings and designs.

I hope you like them :)
